X5 Retail Group
Mobile Dimension has developed a solution for mobile merchandising audit of major food retailers which are parts of X5 Retail Group
Parus Invest LLC
Mobile Dimension has developed the “Mobile Registry” solution for private clinics allowing to set up a new sales channel and enhance the clinic-patient interaction
Why work with us?
Get guaranteed results Mobile Dimension is a Certified SAP Solution Validated Expertise Partner. Our expertise is proven by successful cooperation with the largest Russian and international companies – Lukoil, Rosatom, The Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation, X5 Retail Group, EFES, and many others.
Get end-to-end solutions We develop full-cycle, end-to-end mobile solutions, starting from technical brief and design to promotion and support.
Gain profit We put all our experience, skills and competences behind profit-generating mobile solutions. Budgets, workflow and goals of our mobile solutions are clear and transparent on each development stage.
Integrate disruptive technologies We use cutting-edge technologies provided by leading vendors – SAP, Samsung, Huawei, and others – and constantly enhance our professional level.
Contact us
Baumanskaya str., house 7, build.1 Central Yard Business Centre
Toll-free number for Russia